Wellness ChiropracticThe chiropractic philosophy fits in perfectly with the current trend toward a more natural, less medicinal approach to a healthy life. The chiropractors at Allied Chiropractic are highly attuned to the importance of looking at their patients in a way that takes the whole person into consideration when examining, diagnosing and treating illnesses or injuries.

The care provided at Allied is not just about addressing problems after they’ve occurred. It’s also about prevention and maintenance. We are determined to provide support, guidance, and education to our patients that help them to maintain a healthy, pain-free lifestyle and to become an active partner in their own ongoing wellness.

What Conditions Can Be Treated with Chiropractic Adjustments?

The beauty of chiropractic care is that although it ostensibly deals with musculoskeletal problems and the proper alignment of the spine, it can be used to treat a host of physical conditions. This is because the nerve compression that occurs when spinal joints are misaligned can cause pain to radiate to other areas of the body. Pinched nerves that connect to the spinal column can lead to or aggravate problems such as:

– Back, Neck and Shoulder pain
– Migraines
– Insomnia
– Sciatica
– Fibromyalgia
– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
– Asthma
– Premenstrual Syndrome

Chiropractic adjustments work to realign joints and release pressure on the associated nerves. When this occurs, the circulation of blood and nutrients throughout the body is allowed to continue uninhibited. This free-flowing movement of fluids accelerates healing and also provides relief from pain in the affected areas.

Why Do I Need Multiple Treatments?

Just as doing just one exercise class won’t help you to get fit, simply going for one chiropractic treatment isn’t enough to provide ongoing wellness. It may help to relieve pain in the moment, but as a way to prevent further injury or illness, repeat visits are optimal. Typically, patients experience pain relief or healing from an injury by receiving chiropractic treatments once or twice a week for anywhere from two to six weeks. Subsequently, they can use chiropractic care preventatively and for health maintenance by having treatments once a month, every few months or as needed.

Is Chiropractic Care Right For Me?

If you’d like to learn more about the wonderfully healing benefits of chiropractic care and to begin experiencing healthy living in a more natural, drug-free way, give us a call at Allied Chiropractic. We’ll be happy to set up an appointment for a consultation with you and help you get on the road to integrated wellness.